RewriteCond and RewriteMap implimentation- PLEASE HELP!!!

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RewriteCond and RewriteMap implimentation- PLEASE HELP!!!

Postby lerch » Fri Mar 03, 2006 11:04 am

Heres the issue. I want to set up a way for developers to control their redirects through use of a simple map file. RewriteMap seems to fit the bill, so that i can put the map into an area that is accessible by the developers and will be read ever night when they do the reboot of the server. Here is what i have so far:
Code: Select all
RewriteEngine on
RewriteMap examplemap txt:/htdocs/
RewriteRule   ^/([^/]+)/?(.*)   /${examplemap:$1}/$1/$2  [R=permanent,L]

with the rewritemap.txt
Code: Select all
product1   new
prodcuct2  old

which should redirect the uri to

Here are the challenges:
- directories that are not in the rewritemap.txt are defaulting to a blank which is giving me a double // in the redirect
- the files that are redirecting correctly seem to be going through the rewriterule twice and also getting the double //

I think what is needed is to have a RewriteCond which will read the key from the rewritemap and allow the rewriteRule to only work on the uri's contained in the map.

I new to mod_rewrite and any help in this would be greatly appreciated. I have been working on this for a few days now. PLEASE HELP....
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Joined: Fri Mar 03, 2006 7:59 am

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