Rewriting missing file to generator script - review?

Discuss practical ways rearrange URLs using mod_rewrite.

Rewriting missing file to generator script - review?

Postby mothmenace » Sun Sep 21, 2008 4:18 am

Hello, I've been working on a script to pass requests for missing files (namely resized thumbnail images) to a generator script. Generated files are created/stored with the query string appended to the filename. I would greatly appreciate any feedback on the script below, ie how efficient it is, or if there's room for improvement!

Many thanks

Code: Select all
RewriteEngine On

# This simulates query params passed to img files.
# looks for a pre-created image. Any missing file is regenerated.

# if query present and file exists, redirect to correct filename (with no query)
RewriteCond     %{QUERY_STRING}   !^$
RewriteRule   ^(.*)$   %{REQUEST_FILENAME}-%{QUERY_STRING}?  [L]

# if query string is present and file does not exist, generate
# rewriteCond here == only generating files with queries, as opposed to all missing files
RewriteCond     %{QUERY_STRING}   !^$
RewriteRule     ^(.*/)*(.*)$   /path/to/generator.php?%{QUERY_STRING}&file=$2&dir=$1  [L]

# if made it here == serve as usual

Would it be possible to combine to two blocks into one by skipping a rewrite? As the script is effectively runs twice (because it redirects to same folder), does the second time count as a sub-request, which can be skipped with a [NS] flag?
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Joined: Sun Sep 21, 2008 4:10 am

Postby richardk » Sun Sep 21, 2008 11:43 am

You can't combine the two.

Explain where it runs it twice.
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Joined: Wed Dec 21, 2005 7:50 am

Postby mothmenace » Sun Sep 21, 2008 12:09 pm


Well after the first rewrite rule, the rewrite ends, but it is redirected back to the same folder (just looking for a different file), and the script runs again. eg:

input: file.jpg?width=100
rewritten to: file.jpg-width=100

as it's looking for the 2nd time in the same folder, the .htaccess is applied again I believe.
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Joined: Sun Sep 21, 2008 4:10 am

Postby richardk » Tue Sep 23, 2008 11:31 am

You can't stop that.
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Joined: Wed Dec 21, 2005 7:50 am

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