mod rewrite probs

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mod rewrite probs

Postby isukathis » Sun Sep 12, 2004 2:16 pm

Hi, I have just started to look into mod rewrite. I have a test Redhat 9 linux machine that I have full control of. I have put this line in my httpd.conf:

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^usa\.html$ /join.html

Both these files exist in my root directory of the site. I havnt put any other lines in the conf. The line:

LoadModule rewrite_module modules/

is uncomented out also in the httpd.conf..When I restart appache and request usa.html I though it would redirect me to join.html..Nothing is happening..Am I missing somthing? I'm running apache ver 2.

Many Thanks

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